Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Creamy Goodness

Creamy Goodness indeed! The newly opened garden café and diner 'Creamy Goodness' will surely be a smash for many and here's why:

Friday, June 1, 2018

Likha 2018: Pop-up Art Fair

 It's finally happening in Daet! brought to you by the local Daeteño artists, the first ever Pop-up Art Fair in Daet, Likha 2018!

Saturday, November 12, 2016

My First Ever Workshop!

"Allow yourself to be a beginner. No one starts off being Excellent" - Abbey Sy

I can relate to that quote so much (I think because it's true). So a lot of you doesn't really know that I love writing letters or in short doing "Calligraphy". But I have showcased some works of mine on my Instagram account (You can see it if you were following me). As what people commonly experience everyone consider themselves to be a beginner when they start their Calligraphy Journey. And I believe that's the same story as mine.